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Surgery clinics

We offer a range of clinics and services at the surgery. There are some tasks you can do, such as health reviews, using our online forms.

If you would like to attend any of the below clinics, please book an appointment.

Core services

General management of medical conditions, health promotion advice, referral for other services, care for temporary residents, emergency care if appropriate, unless it is more suitable for 999 or accident and emergency care.

Additional services

Cervical screening, contraceptive services, vaccination and immunisations, child health surveillance.

Blood and urine tests

Regular monitoring by blood and urine tests for patients on a specific range of drugs. Additional information can be found on our test results page.

Cervical smears

Cervical smears for woman aged 25 to 65 years. For all normal routine recalls, if you are aged between 25 to 49 years you are invited every 3 years and every five years from age 50 to 65 years. When you are due your cervical smear the central team will send you your invitation. You can go to the treatment room to arrange your appointment. It is important that all woman attend for their cervical smear.

Child immunisations

Routine immunisation of babies is carried out at the baby clinic by the health visiting team. Pre-school children for boosters are also seen by the health visiting team. The clinic is held on the 1st floor of the health centre. You will be sent out an appointment from community screening when your child’s next appointment is due. The practice does not carry out any of the childhood immunisations.

Further information can be found on our vaccinations page.

Disease management

The management of all disease processes.

Flu immunisation

An annual flu immunisation programme to protect the elderly and at risk patients. The eligibility for this immunisation and the venue for its delivery might vary from one year to another. Please see our practice news section for the latest updates.

Maternity services

Provided in the ante natal and post natal period, together with the midwives from the Royal Alexandra Hospital.

If you have had a positive pregnancy test, you should contact the Greater Glasgow and Clyde central antenatal booking office to arrange your first ante-natal appointment on 0141 232 4005.

Nursing services

As well as dealing with general nursing duties such as dressings and minor injuries, our nursing team provide the following services:

  • Minor illnesses and injuries
  • Diabetes
  • Hypertension, as known as high blood pressure disease
  • Asthma and COPD
  • Travel advice and information
  • Heart disease
  • Lifestyle advice
  • Family planning
  • Cervical smear screening

Substance abuse clinic

Substance abuse clinic is held weekly. A key worker with Renfrew substance abuse resource is available to offer assessment, help and advice. Dr Climie, the specialist GP in this field is responsible for prescribing. Specific drugs issues will not be addressed without this clinic.

Advanced practice physiotherapy app service

Our clinical team includes an advanced physiotherapy practitioner, who is trained, experienced and capable of diagnosing and treating common musculoskeletal conditions (joints, muscles or bone problems). Your submitted online or telephone requests might be passed on to this team member, if your condition comes under their remit.

How can the advanced physiotherapy practitioner help

They can:

  • Make a diagnosis and develop a management plan
  • Provide exercise advice
  • Manage pain, linking with GP for medication or sick note if needed
  • Referral for further investigations
  • For further (remove “ongoing”) treatment, you may be referred to the physiotherapy department or to the orthopaedic surgeons at the hospital.

Community link worker

Our community link worker can support you to access a wide range of activities and resources in your local community that can help your overall wellbeing:

  • Benefits advice
  • Housing advice
  • Increasing your physical activity
  • Improving your mental wellbeing
  • Carers advice
  • Helping you find volunteering opportunities, or get work advice
  • Supporting you to connect with others and reduce loneliness
  • Advice on groups or clubs in your area

This may help you feel better and could contribute to an improvement in your overall health and feeling of wellbeing. If you would like to speak with our community link worker, please book an appointment.

Pharmacy First service

Your local pharmacy can treat and support you for a variety of health conditions, through the Pharmacy First Service. This service is available to:

  • Everyone registered with a GP practice in Scotland or the Defence Medical Services on a permanent or temporary basis (including care home residents).
  • People who live in Scotland (including gypsy or travellers/asylum seeker or dependant of an asylum seeker.

What is the Pharmacy First service?

NHS Pharmacy First Scotland is a consultation service designed to encourage the public to visit their community pharmacy as the first port of call for all minor illnesses and common clinical conditions.

A person will consult with a member of the pharmacy team, who will assess their symptoms resulting on one or more outcomes:

  • Advice on your symptoms
  • Patients don’t need to register the service
  • To help community pharmacy during the currently pandemic situation, patients are being advised to telephone the pharmacy in the first instance

What conditions can be seen at the Pharmacy First service?

  • Acne
  • Allergies
  • Athlete’s foot
  • Backache
  • Cold sores
  • Constipation
  • Cough
  • Diarrhoea
  • Earache
  • Eczema
  • Haemorrhoids (piles)
  • Hay fever
  • Head lice
  • Headache
  • Indigestion
  • Mouth ulcers
  • Nasal congestion
  • Pain
  • Period pain
  • Sore throat
  • Threadworms
  • Thrush
  • Verrucae
  • Warts

For more information contact your local pharmacy or you can call the NHS helpline on 0800 22 44 88 (calls are free).

Dental problems

Please contact your dentist, not your GP, for dental, mouth and gum conditions. Treatment for common dental problems, such as toothache or abscess, are the remit of your dentist, even if you need painkillers or antibiotics. Your GP is neither trained nor licensed to treat you for these conditions.

Eye problems

The local optician should be your first port of call for any vision or eye condition. This includes eye pain, reduced vision, conjunctivitis, and eyelid problem. The optician can diagnose and treat your condition. If you need hospital eye care, the optician can refer you directly to the hospital.

Travel advice

Immunisation for foreign travel is restricted to vaccinations prescribed under NHS regulations, such as Hep A, Diptheria, Polio, and typhoid. Appointments for travel advice must be booked at least six weeks before date of travel. Not all immunisations are provided as part of the NHS service.

If you need travel advice/vaccination, please contact the surgery. Not all immunisations are provided as part of the NHS service.

Travel advice regarding specific regions must be obtained privately at a travel immunisation clinic.

Cryotherapy service

If you have persistent warts and/or verrucae that have not resolved with treatment from the pharmacy, you can submit an online request through our appointments page to arrange an appointment for freezing treatment (cryotherapy).

Contraceptive implant

Insertion and removal of contraceptive implants is carried out by Dr Paula Lynch. You can submit a request via our online forms to arrange a discussion with Dr Lynch.

Page published: 5 May 2023
Last updated: 26 February 2025